Exhibitors and partner

Who will you meet at Iegho 2023 / Lefa 2023?

Igeho 2023: Looking forward

Roger Juon

«Igeho is THE meeting place for gastronomy. We at Saviva are delighted to be supporting Igeho 2023 as a Power Partner!»

Roger Juon, Member of the Executive Board, Saviva AG

Guido Buob - Copyright by appenzell.ch

«We are really excited about our big "Appenzell" presence at Igeho 2023! Together with the long-standing Igeho exhibitors from the Appenzell region, we will be running a large festival where culinary specialties can be savoured. But culture and customs will also play an important role in the attraction.»

Guido Buob, Managing Director, Appenzellerland Tourismus AI

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«For us Igeho is by far the most important industry platform in 2023 to present our innovations live to a large number of trade visitors.»

Davor Bratoljic, Managing Director, Salvis AG

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«Igeho is leading the way we are looking forward to the edition 2023. It is an excellent platform to welcome existing and future customers and to present our services. We look forward to starting new business relationships and deepening existing ones at the show.»

Christoph Kuhn, CEO, Cafina AG

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«We are delighted to be exhibiting at Igeho 2023 and look forward to welcoming many familiar faces as well as to inspire numerous new customers with our brewery range. We would like to invite all trade visitors to make new contacts and exchange ideas with colleagues over a glass of beer at our stand. Sönd wöllkomm!»

Ruedi Signer, Head of Sales, Brauerei Locher AG

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«Igeho is still the most important HORECA live marketing platform in Switzerland. Our company has been participating successfully for many years - finally Igeho is happening again in 2023!»

Sandro Di Giovanni, Managing Director, Hunn Gartenmöbel AG

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«Igeho is the largest and most important national hospitality platform for our companies. Here we have the opportunity to show the latest trends, maintain existing customer contacts and make new ones - I'm looking forward to it!»

Sandra Roth, Head of Marketing, Markus Hans Group

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«Personal contact and exchange is and remains the basis of every relationship. That is why Igeho 2023 is the most important meeting place of the year for the industry. We are really looking forward to meeting our customers, partners and new faces as well!»

Urs Loher, Vice Director, MEIKO (Suisse) AG

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«As a strong partner of the Swiss hospitality industry, we are a proud supporter of the Igeho Rising Star 2023. The promotion of innovative founding concepts and start-ups is groundbreaking for a successful future of the industry, for which we are also unconditionally committed.»

Pascal Krebs, Head of Marketing and Procurement, Transgourmet/Prodega

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«I can only warmly recommend participation in Igeho Rising Star to other founders - a great opportunity for start-ups to present themselves to an exciting audience of experts and to benefit from a broad network.»

Pascal Bieri, Co-Founder, Planted

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«Igeho is the right platform for us to present trends and innovations of our exclusive partners to a broad audience. 
We gastronauts look forward to the exciting exchange with industry experts and with those who would like to become one.»

Mario Hunkeler, Owner, Gastroimpuls - Hunkeler Gastro AG

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«As a Swiss family business, we want to make a strong case for Switzerland as a trade fair location!»

Daniel Haldimann, Head of Product Management, Hugentobler Swiss Cooking Systems AG

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«Igeho offers Hero Gastronomique an ideal showcase and is the most important industry meeting place. At the largest Swiss gastronomy trade fair, we can introduce our product range competencies to the visitors. In addition to making valuable new contacts, we spoil our loyal, valued customers with culinary delights at our stand. 
We are delighted to finally have another Igeho year!»

Peter Walther, Regional Sales Manager West, Hero Gastronomique

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«The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.» Albert Einstein
«And since our industry in particular is facing challenges, it would really be madness to just carry on like this and think that it will be fine. It takes innovation to prevent the madness. I like to support formats that promote these innovations.»

Raphael Wyniger, Owner, Wyniger Group and member of the Igeho Rising Star jury

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«Miele AG Switzerland is definitely one of the longest-standing Igeho exhibitors. With its participation in 2023, our company will be attending for the 24th time. This important trade fair continues to be a perfect exchange with one of our most important target groups: the catering and hotel industry. After a long break due to the pandemic, it is now finally time to attend to our guests in person again.

We look forward to a successful Igeho 2023 with many happy faces.»

Bernhard Purkrabek, Head of Sales HCS, Miele AG

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«Hospitality is my life and being able to shape Igeho as a content partner is not a job for me but an affair of the heart.»

Andrin Willi, Epicurean Consulting & Content Creation and President Leaders Club Switzerland

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«Digital shopping. Socializing digitally. Ordering digitally. As many advantages as digitalisation may bring - sometimes experiences urgently need to be analogised again. Searching and finding. Seeing and touching. Talking and listening. From person to person. At the family reunion of the gastronomy and hotel industry, the IGEHO.»

Romeo Brodmann, Publisher, Das Pauli Magazin | brodmann onion media

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«The icing on the cake makes all the difference. It gives the service that unmistakable charm, the menus the finishing touch - and puts a smile on the guests' faces. Offering that certain something is worthwhile and makes for success in gastronomy. We are looking forward to the Igeho trade fair in Basel with anticipation. With a committed crew and many innovative ideas, it has gone the extra mile to deliver highlights.»

Eva Maria Achatz, Editeur, Gastrofacts nachhaltig gastfreundlich, Management / Board of Directors / Partner KA BOOM

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«Igeho plays such an important role in my overall schedule that I have coordinated my holidays accordingly in order to attend the trade fair in Basel. I'm looking forward to interesting discussions and new products presented by the exhibitors.»

Reto E. Wild, Editor-in-Chief, GastroJournal

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«As a media company firmly anchored in the Swiss hospitality industry for 50 years, we are a proud media partner of the Igeho 2023. Personal contact and exchange between hoteliers, restaurateurs, suppliers and other industry representatives has been very important to us since 1973! We are looking forward to the discussions, customer contacts and new hospitality professionals!»

Stephan Frech, Owner and Director of the trade publications "Gourmet" and "Pot-au-feu".

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«In competition with the digital platforms, the Igeho trade fair still has a joker up its sleeve: Only it can offer the curious in the industry holistic worlds of experience and senses.»

Joerg Ruppelt, Publishing Director, HGV.

Lefa 2023: Looking forward

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«We look forward to welcoming you back in person at Lefa in 2023. We have missed the physical presence in recent years. You can expect interesting and insightful presentations and demonstrations, making new acquaintances and strengthening old ones, as well as good discussions and inspiration for the years to come.»

Fabio Thürlemann, Owner and Managing Director, Geser ALPINA GmbH

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«With Lefa and Igeho, two industry platforms are coming together that also belong together. Lefa expands Igeho to include the upstream value chain of the food processing industry and becomes the meeting place for suppliers to the hotel and catering industry.»

Uriel Inauen, CEO, VC999 Verpackungssysteme AG

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«Of course, we will be there with Josef Koch AG! We are very pleased that Lefa 2023 will be the new industry meeting place for all sectors of the food processing industry.»

Oliver Koch, Member of the Executive Board, Josef Koch AG

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«We are very pleased that Lefa has created a cross-sector platform for the food processing industry. This allows us to present our solutions to customers from the meat, cheese, bakery and confectionery industries at a single trade fair. After a break of several years we are looking forward to being able to participate in a Swiss trade fair once again.»

Marcel Senn, Managing Owner, Neumeyer AG

Igeho 2023 powered by

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Associating partner

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MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG 
Messeplatz 10 
4005 Basel/Schweiz